Valerie’s Story

Valerie came to us with a terrible personality disorder. She lived all over the states and had been kicked out of every facility she entered.

One of our desires is to take all kinds of people so we decided to allow Valerie. We soon found this to be very difficult and had decided we would not allow her to stay.

She was extremely self-centered and cared nothing for others. One morning Mrs. Streit was giving a tour of the community and looked at the teacher to decide which citizen to invite to share todays shop activities. The teacher signaled Valerie.

Mrs. Streit thought the teacher had lost her mind. She was surprised when Valerie said, “Yes I would like to tell you what I’m doing, but please let Kendall tell what she is doing. Kendall screened 254 cards this morning and I think she deserves to tell.” Mrs. Streit almost fainted in joy. It was an incredible break through for Valerie to actually care about another person. She is still with us today and continues to improve.